Myers Briggs Personality Type | Profile Review
Aug 02, 2021Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Profile
Provided by: Myers Briggs (MBTI Online)
The MBTI was created by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers in 1944. Katherine Cook Briggs started her research into personality in 1917, and spurred on by Carl Jung’s theories she published her first article on personality in 1926 in the journal New Republic in 1926 ("Meet Yourself Using the Personality Paint Box”).
Katherine’s daughter Isabel joined her in the research, and in 1944 the Briggs Myers Type Indicator Handbook was published (it was rebranded to Myers-Briggs in 1956). The timing was interesting because Katherine and Isabel felt that it could be helpful in supporting women who were entering the workforce for the first time during WW2 to find a role that suited them the best. I do dig the whole female vibe, and I love that it was a mother and daughter duo who created this in a time when society wasn’t hugely supportive of equality.
After a series of questions, you receive your own “type” which is made up of four letters.
E or I: Your world/focus - Extraversion (E) if you focus on your outer world or Intraversion (I) if you prefer your own inner world.
S or N: Information - Sensing (S) is you prefer the basic information you take in, or Intuition (N) if you prefer to interpet and add your own meaning and understanding.
T or F: Decisions - Thinking (T) if you use logic/consistency when making decisions, or Feeling (F) if you look at the people and situation first.
J or P: Structure - Judging if you prefer things to be decided or Perceiving (P) if you prefer things to stay open and changeable.
The profile costs $49.95 to complete.
Once you answer all the questions and receive your Personality Type - you can review and compare to other types and have the option to adjust your final type if you feel there is another one that describes you more accurately - I think this is a really valuable feature because for example you might have been in a distracted mood when you answered the questions so you might find just one letter feels off and you get the chance to amend that.
You also get access to an eLearning platform that takes you through your profile in depth, and has 4 courses to help you understand and develop yourself (Confidence, Stress, Motivation, Relationships).
“If you don’t know what an extravert thinks, you haven’t been listening. If you don’t know what an introvert thinks, you haven’t asked them!” ISABEL BRIGGS MYER
I really like the approach that we as individuals know ourselves the best and even though you answer all the questions and are given your type, you can change it. That’s quite unusual in the world of profile tools.
The eLearning modules are valuable, because they explain general topics like Stress and Motivation. For example, in the Motivation eLearning it explains how “When you’re operating in your natural state, your strengths have room to shine. This is likely to make you feel more: Energized, Committed, Positive, Confident” and then makes it super relevant for your own personality type eg. “Here are some things that are likely to motivate you as someone with INTJ preferences.”
There is alot to learn and it’s tailored to your own stage of personal development, there are comments like “If you haven’t developed your Intution (N) - then this is likely to be a blind spot xxx” - so again it’s really about understanding where you are at.
I definitely recommend completing the eLearning modules, each one should take about 20 - 30 minutes depending on the pace you go. I went at quite a relaxed pace and took alot of notes and thoughts as I completed them which allowed me to reflect back, and take some specific actions into an “Action Plan”.
One insight that I found very helpful, particularly while we all experience such an interesting global pandemic was around motivation - and the specific recommendations for my own personality type about how to reframe what needs to be done was one of the standout learnings for me. The eLearning gave me some ways for how to reframe it (“Think about the broader value of the task and validate the value in getting it done, also linking to my own positive feelings of accomplishment that will come naturally when I complete something and using that as a motivator as well”.)
This is a very good starting point for any personal development journey.
The language is accessible and easy to understand. The online learning tools have a broad focus but with specific recommendations for your own type and where you are in your development. If you complete this as one of your first steps into personal development and building awareness, I would really recommend that you sit down with someone that you know and trust - and ask them questions about their perception or experiences of you in relation to your profile. Make sure you pick someone you trust to answer you honestly (not just give you answers they think you want to hear). -
This profile focuses on YOU
I believe it’s most valuable as a part of your own Personal Development plan. It is not suited to a team/organisational development program and you would need to get an MBTI-certified facilitator to run something like that. This online self-service is better suited to your own development and reflection.
There are actionable, practical recommendations.
Among both the eLearning and also the profile description of your own type there are insights and recommendations that can easily be implemented.
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