One Life: How to Have The Life of your Dreams By Tina Tower

One Life | Book Review

book review Sep 06, 2021

One Life: How to Have The Life of your Dreams

By Tina Tower


“if you want to live a big life, filled with joy and contribution, then sooner or later you’re going to have to redefine what’s possible and get the fuck on with it.” 



One Life takes you on a fast-paced ride through Tina’s life, from the hard-knocks childhood to the not so glamorous life of an entrepreneur. Along the way you are treated to her inimitable sense of humour, optimism and inspiration bad-ass attitude. There are some laugh-out-loud moments - one of them for me was the teacher asking “And who are you this year Tina” in response to her ever-changing surnames during her parent’s divorce - this was something that i’m sure many children experienced, I certainly did.

The book has a “dust yourself off and get back out there” kind of approach, one that doesn’t distract you with the successes but instead gives a very humble and realistic look at how you can achieve everything you want to, provided you care enough to try. And keep trying.


“A life of growth, not a life of survival” TINA TOWER



What resonated for me the most from this book was that there is definitely the ‘hustle’ culture and the inspiring motivational stories, but it comes with a healthy dose of self love, self reflection and realism. Tina provides you with practical steps to take to build and plan your life.

Something else that I really appreciate is that the book normalises Fear. Tina goes further than that actually, she breaks it down - helps you understand and overcome your fears about taking the next steps and living your dreams.

This book is an easy-read, you can do it in an afternoon in your favourite chair - and I would put this on the ‘must-read’ list for anyone thinking about making a change in their life or wondering how they can achieve their dreams.

I am lucky enough to know Tina, and her personality is contagious and her drive is inspiring. She provided me with a copy of the book but I also purchased a kindle version so I can highlight and bookmark my favourite things (yep, i’m a proud nerd get on board).


“Don’t waste a single year.... live life in full colour”  TINA TOWER



Questions for self-reflection:

  • What does a “life well lived” mean to you?

  • What are you afraid of - what obstacles are between you now and where you want to be?

  • If you could do ANYTHING, what would you do?


Find Tina here: and @tina_tower

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